Dr. Oz recommends Reiki

Many of you know Dr. Mehmet Oz, Oprah Winfrey’s “personal doctor”.  He has done many segments on Oprah’s daily talk show helping us discover more about how are body works, and now has his own television show devoted to teaching us more about medicine.  Dr. Oz is the Vice-chair and Professor of Surgery at Columbia University.  He is also director of the Cardiovascular Institute and the Complimentary Medicine Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital.    Dr. Oz has received several medical research awards, and is probably the most recognizable face of medicine today.

Did you know that Dr. Oz’s wife is a Reiki Master?  Did you know that he has allowed Reiki practitioners to perform Reiki on his patients during heart surgery? 

Heart surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz, whose wife, Lisa, is a pro-active Reiki practitioner, has worked with Julie Motz, who used Reiki on his patients. These patients had received heart transplants and had experienced open-heart surgery. Motz treated 11 patients in total and none of them had the usual post-operative depression. The bypass patients had no post-operative pain or leg weakness and the transplant patients experienced no organ rejection. Motz has written about this experience in her book, “Hands of Life”. (From the International House of Reiki website page devoted to scientific studies of Reiki)

Please watch this edited clip of one of Dr. Oz’s television shows, where he discusses Reiki.